What are Steam Keys?

When I say keys, I mean those few numbers and letters combine together which cost much for your leisure time and now has become free for you. You will become excited as much as I became when I heard that there are certain websites that give free steam keys to the members.

What are the Top Steam Giveaway Websites?

The very first word which attracted your heed and as well mine was ‘Free’ and of course who doesn’t want entertainment for free?

But this article will give you much more than just access to some free steam keys. Just be with my words till the end of this article and conclude what made you read it.

Free Steam Keys Site

FreeSteamKeys.com is one of the best FREE STEAM KEYS Website. This website is regularly updated. Games like Soul Calibur, HellCat, and Dirty Bomb Booster can welcome you in their world through this website.

It was rather a funny feeling for me to see that all the games I wanted to enter were being expired so, it must show how active are the free steam key carvers.

You can visit the Website from this link: FreeSteamKeys.com



This one is not a website but rather a subreddit of Reddit.  It’s better than any other website. The best thing about this subreddit is you will be able to find free games for nearly all the platforms not only the steam.

Most importantly that all you had to do was just a few clicks to measure a few steps and a bundle of games to make your life. If you are a solicitor like me, it was a great chance to win access to the world of games according to your choice.

You can get free games from this subreddit:




This subreddit is dedicated to Steam Games so you will only find free steam keys on this Subreddit.

You can visit this subreddit from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeGamesOnSteam/

P.S: I personally use this one to fill up my Steam Library

Does It Always Work?

Well, I myself visited most of the websites in search of steam keys that can be purchased and as well the free ones.  I came across many free steam key websites which provided much amusement to me.

Where to get Free Steam Keys (Step-by-Step from Gleam.io)?

Time Needed :10 minutes

In this Step by Step Guide We will learn how to Get Free Steam Keys from Gleam Giveaways.

  1. Goto reddit.com/r/FreeGamesOnSteam/

    Go to Subreddit called Free Games on Steam


  2. Choose any Game Which isn’t Strikethrough.

    Choose the game which is still available


  3. Do the actions mentioned in Giveaway

    You will have to do all the actions mentioned in the Giveaway


  4. Copy the Key from the Green Box

    Now Copy the key from Green Box which is showing at the header of the giveaway


  5. Redeem the Key in Steam

    Now you can redeem the key in Steam or Give it to your friend


Why do these websites giveaway free steam keys?

As demonstrated above, the giveaways and some small clicks and filling different forms or even liking and subscribing are the clever traps that amusing designers use to gain subscribers for their channels. And in return give you an exciting time for free. Fair enough…isn’t it?!

Tricky and dirty

I won’t call it a dirty game, so no offense. But the trick is that you must win in those giveaways which are impossible most of the time. But in return, they get their required views and likes from you. Its probability is almost 1/10 every time you play. It isn’t a dirty game you play for the free steam keys, but a trick played on you!

Competitional games:

As told earlier, by my words, of course, there are certain small competitive games like spin the table or other ways for the users to win a free steam wallet. Which most of the time don’t go out successful.

But if it gets fruitful, the long process of claiming the prize tires most of the users, in case of me as well, that they let go of their prize. So, the only means of the designer, which is a clever trick, fulfills.

Speed Test Organized by GOG:

GOG organizes a speed test in order to measure the average downloading speed from the websites. The aim is to measure but in the end, the participants also get a chance of winning a free steam key or free game.

Golden Joysticks:

Not completely free but a rewarded game from CVG (Computer and Video Games) in the ceremony of Golden Joysticks can be obtained by the participants. This is mainly sponsored by Green Man Gaming.

Here all the participants have to vote for the favorite games in different categories. This is being done once a year. So, don’t lose your chance by winning your favorite game for free.

Sign Up:

As you may have experienced that you get the reward of different coins and lives in games for inviting your friends to download that game, you can also win a free steam key for your desired game in exchange for sign up you do for the website. It is also not completely free but an exchange of needs between amusement and money. Money in sense of subscribers.

Palm Greasing Offer:

You have often seen at deodorant’s store, giving free samples for their new product so that to gain users’ attention towards the product. And once the product gets fame in the market it is sold in a handsome amount. I bet you are much eager for such kind of free samples like me.

The same is the case in an artificial world, most of the game developers get the markets, and users’ attention by giving free trials and free steam keys to their new games launched. When a user gets the addict to the game he will be consented to purchase the updated and new versions of the game.

A beautiful and mind attracting term “GreenLight” is used for this marketing project.

Social Activity Bribery:

Once you are indulged in bribery by the publishers for winning the free steam keys, you will try this one as well. Most of the developers also give free steam keys just for a limited time or I can better say a limited-time trial of the game for each like and subscribing on twitter and Facebook pages. Which in turn is beneficial for both sides.

Reviews’ Strength:

Writing website reviews can also bring you luck for the free steam keys or free games. Some of the website developers ask from the users to write them reviews over their websites and in return offer them free steam or game. This is done of course on a high traffic website of yours to publish the review. And as well it can be a well-known magazine so that their visibility range becomes wider.

Digital Currency:

If you couldn’t get lucky in any of the above-mentioned ways, then you can earndigital currency called Tremor coins by which you can get to your game crave habit.

Works like watching videos, clicking the sites, registering on websites, fling out different surveys, downloading apps, and even playing spinning mini-games. Such work is not only fun but also have a great reward in the form of free steam keys.


You may ask what is the difference between the above-mentioned methods and earning digital currency! Let me tell you there ishuge difference between them even the input and output are the same.

The difference occurs during the processing, the above methods are completely on luck and as well your behavior with the clients while the other way is with 100% surety that you will get what you want in return for the work done by you.

The Great Trade of Games:

If it sounds like you have to buy the games and do trade with it, it is not the case. But you will eventually understand the true purpose of the title. If you apply the earning method, by a short span of time you will be the owner of what is called digital credit.

You can buy your game but in a low debit. The games which you can grab in a free mode can also be played? No, it is not for this purpose, but it can be traded. Free games can not be legally sold, but trading is not selling and thus it encouraged by different platforms such is in case of STEAM.

If you have a game that you don’t want to use it anymore, You can trade that game. In return, you can ask for the game which you want. For this purpose, Steam has developed another platform for this purpose, Steam Trades or subreddits which work on the single idea of game trading.  You can try it out!

Ask Me Anything platform:

Here is another platform which is called the AMA. It works with GOG and Desura which gives away different games from these websites for seeking people’s attention towards their questions and gets answers from their point of view.

This is done by sending a private message with the answer and getting a reply from the AMA team with the Steam key. In another way round, such kinds of messages and as well keys can also be found from documents and drives.

Ninja Turtle:

It is another website that giveaway Steam keys for free o various conditions. As you know, one can see various codes for games being dropped from some websites, referred to as code drops, because of being copied and pasted on the forums for others to have a look at these.

Only those who win can get these codes first and would use them. Otherwise, people will make changes in these codes and most likely to create a puzzle of it so that others must work harder to use it.

Usually, this is being done to make it harder for cyber ninjas, aka bots, from being activating these codes on the account of the user. The ones who own the codes might ask for the interested ones to contact them privately and get the code so that it can be protected from the bots or others who wait for code drops on the forums.

Do Good, Have Good:

Summing up, I have explained two different methods from which you can enjoy your leisure time. But most important is that the two methods have the same input which is to help others so that you be helped.  Either in the form of luck competitions or earning platforms.

So, you can grab your keys for opening the chamber of secret games by at least subscribing to any two platforms of Steam keys for free.